About Us
Welcome to Woodside School! Founded by an individual who had close family with autism, Woodside School is a positive, happy and stimulating place where children learn to shine. The founder’s ethos is based on building a small, focused, special school for special children.
Woodside school provides a multi-sensory education package for children between the ages of 8-18 years with autism or learning difficulties. Recognizing the unique needs of each child, we provide a bespoke and individualized educational plan for every child on acceptance. That does not mean children are supported alone, far from it, but it does mean they receive the special focus which allows small miracles to happen.
Registration was approved by OFSTED in April 2021. Woodside School operates a 52 week education package.
All pupils who attend have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan.
Our school does not discriminate between different social, cultural, ethnic or religious backgrounds, but actively embraces and celebrates these differences.
Woodside’s team of professionals are on a mission to understand the specific needs and interests of pupils so that individualized learning plans can be created to make learning fun and engaging.